ProLon® is a 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) program that nourishes your body while promoting regenerative and rejuvenating changes, including effects on a wide range of markers that contribute to aging, such as cholesterol, inflammation, and fasting glucose. It also decreases excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass.  ProLon® mitigates the burden and danger of water-only fasting, while responding to the unmet need of having a tasty and convenient, proven and safe dietary program that does not require ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting.  State of the art research and development and pre-clinical and clinical trials for Prolon® were conducted at the University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute and Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute, and sponsored by the National Cancer Institutes(NCI) and National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institute of Health (NIH).  15 years of extensive preclinical and clinical studies resulted in the development of the first FMD™ (ProLon®) which stimulates: High level of protection and stress resistance in cells Removal of damaged cells and tissues Self repair of cells resulting in regeneration and rejuvenation within your body  DAY 1 Fasting state Priming your body to transition into a fasting state and begin cellular optimization. DAY 2 Fat burning Your body is switching to fat burning. Cellular recycling and clean up (autophagy) begins. DAY 3 Cellular recycling Cellular recycling and clean up continues and many people reach full ketosis. DAY 4 Cell regeneration Autophagy continues and stem cell-based regeneration is ramping up. DAY 5 Regeneration continues  Stem cell-based regeneration continues and the body is being rejuvenated from within. Stem cell-based rejuvenation continues for up to 5 days after you complete the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet and return to your regular healthy meal plan.
ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet - (3) Five Day Meal Kits